Exclusive Interview: Jackson Harris Talks Touring, New Music and Giving Back

Jackson Harris is making an name for himself in the music industry after just wrapping up two international tours. The first with Cody Simpson and the second on Jacob Whitesides’ “Broke Billionaire” tour, which kicked off in Dublin in September. The New York native also recently released his single, “Feet on Fire.”

I checked in with Jackson as he took time out of his busy schedule to chat. Check it out!

Photo Credit: MLC PR

Photo Credit: MLC PR

When did you begin singing? 

I’ve been singing sing I was a child. My earliest music memory was when I was about 5 years old, playing on a toy piano trying to sing along with the notes


How did you get into the music business?

I started acting as a young child and stopped when I got into junior high school. I started to go to auditions and that allowed me to meet my manager and then connect with different producers and writers and started creating music and performing


Describe your sound for those who haven’t heard your music yet.

Honest Pop Rock with a touch of some contemporary elements. I try to make music that comes from my heart and is based off of real experiences.


Talk about the process of getting into the studio to record music. Do you normally have the songs written before you go in or do you get creative while in the studio? 

I am always creating or writing ideas down, or singing things into my phone. Every day in the studio is different but I usually get a few ideas and try to work them into some songs. I try to focus on the emotion in the music and have people feel that.


What was it like going on tour with Cody Simpson and Jacob Whitesides?

It was some of the best moments of my life. Touring in general is my favorite thing to do and being able to open for such talented artists with great dedicated fanbases has been a blessing.


Are the European fans different from the US?

I have seen that Europe embraces new music easier than US fans. In america I feel like they have the tendency to say they have heard it all before. But if you are honest in your music then the audiences all around the world should be able to hear that.


If you could have the ultimate rider on tour, what items would you add? 

I would want a section of Nandos Chicken and Pizza…Also I would love a gym to work out in, a hot tub, maybe a few puppies to play with before I go on stage and then a big screen TV with every single video game ever on it!


What are some things that you draw inspiration from when coming up with new songs?

I try to draw inspiration from my own life. I have written about my past relationships and my family, my fears, my hopes, my mistakes. I try to use music as a way to tell my story, to express myself.


Do you have anyone in your life that you look up to for inspiration? 

My mom. It is a cheesy answer but she really is quite an awesome lady. Obviously like any mother and son we can disagree and fight and argue but I know she wants the best for me and has always told me to follow my dreams. I wouldn’t be here without her.


If you could get into the studio with anyone, who would it be and why?

It is a tie between John Mayer, Max Martin and Dr. Luke… Martin and Luke are some of the best songwriters of our generation. They make hit song after hit song and have incredible track records. And as far as John Mayer, he is one of my favorite artists and I think I could write some awesome songs with him on guitar.


Tell us about working with organization Musicians on Call? How did you get involved? What does it mean to you?

I love to be able to use music to make people happy. I want to make a difference in peoples lives and I feel like I can do that best with music. Working with Musicians On Call is incredibly rewarding! I got involved because I saw some of my favorite artists donating their time to the cause and visiting hospital rooms and using music to take children’s minds off whatever their dealing with and just be a regular kid.  It means the world to me and It reminds me to be humble, kind and work hard to be a good well-rounded and centered person.

Thanks Jackson for chatting with us! Everyone make sure to download his new single, “Feet on Fire.” You can also follow Jackson on social media:
YouTube: JacksonHarrisNYC
Twitter: Jackson_Harris
Facebook: jacksonharrisnyc
Instagram: jacksonharris

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