Pop Hearts Plugged In: Beauty Guru Spotlight

Beauty Gurus are by far some of the most popular personalities across the internet. Anytime you need tips on make up or a quick and simple hairstyle, they’ve always got something to offer. This week we are sharing some of our favorite beauty queens with you! By the end of this article you will have everything you need to find a hot new look for spring. Here are our 3 favorite beauty gurus for March.

1. Zoella(aka Zoe Sugg) is an English fashion and beauty YouTuber and author. We love Zoe’s style and unique look, but what draws us to her most is her genuine love for her audience. I can trust that the products and looks that Zoe recommends in her videos are purely her own opinion. Zoe would never recommend something that she didn’t think would genuinely work for everybody.



Zoe, at 10 million subscribers, still uses her platform to break the stigma and bring awareness to mental illness. One of my favorite videos is her “Axiety Q&A” where she answered questions from her fans regarding anything about anxiety and mental health. Aside from bringing awareness to serious topics, Zoe Sugg has changed the beauty game. She has created and released her own cosmetics and beauty range and its AMAZING! We have Zoe to thank for our beauty inspirations in life.

2. Sprinkleofglitter(aka Louise Pentland) is a British fashion and beauty vlogger, blogger and all around optimist! Louise is best known for her beauty and fashion videos on her channel “Sprinkle of Glitter”, but personally I find myself living for her second channel “Sprinkle of Chatter”. Here she tackles topics such as body image and self esteem. Anytime I am having a bit of a self conscious day, I will go to Louise’s channel and automatically feel so much better.



Aside from posting videos online, Louise has started her own fashion line! I literally want to buy every piece of clothing. Looking through her fashion line I could tell she wanted to create something that would make anyone, no matter their size, feel good about themselves. This is also why Louise makes the best mom! I am sure it is every mom’s dream to see their child grow up in a world full of positivity and free of judgment. Louise is making great strides in creating that type of world. Thank you Louise for keeping us positive!

3. RachhLoves is a Canadian blogger and vlogger who shares her passion for fashion, beauty and lifestyle. I found Rachel through one of her Taylor Swift inspired make up tutorials. Rachel has the personality of a “big sister” to her community. Once I stumbled across her channel I could not help but want to get to know her more.



Rachel also started uploading videos to a second channel “RachhLovesLife” to share vlogs, new mom tips and tricks. Her kids Julia and Luke are absolutely precious! In one of Rachel’s more recent videos “Introducing Our Baby Boy” she discusses what it’s like the first few weeks of having a newborn and whats it is like going from one child to two! Thanks to Rachel for my case of baby fever!

Thank you for tuning in to “Pop Hearts Plugged In” and leave us a comment telling us about your favorite beauty guru! Make sure to follow us on social media to stay updated on all things social media.

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