“Pretty Little Liars” Recap: Tick Tock Bitches

The “Pretty Little Liars” Season 7 Premiere kicked off with the group (Ezra, Aria, Toby, Spencer, Emily, Caleb and Mona) discovering Mary Drake, is Jessica DiLaurentis’ twin sister, and the now new owner of The Lost Woods Resort.

Like every other episode, the tension was set when everyone was sent a text from “A.D.” (The Uber A) that led them to find Hanna hung in the bell tower of the church thinking she was dead. They all then discover it’s not Hanna- but a mask on a manikin’s body; and were given an ultimatum to hand over evidence revealing Charlotte’s real murderer in order to do so; and they only have 24 hours or Hanna will be killed.

It was then shown that Hanna is stowed away in an abandoned building being tortured for the time being.

In order to begin their discussion and discovery behind who killed Charlotte, everyone put a name in a hat and read out loud who they thought was the murderer:

No Name

(Freeform/Eric McCandless)

Emily tells Elliott at the hospital about the girls discovering Mary Drake was Ali’s mom’s sister, and that maybe she wasn’t having hallucinations at all. Just then, Ali suffered a complete psychotic event and Elliott said she has been “going completely crazy.”

Aria and Ezra break into Ali’s house to look for anything that could help them lead to Charlotte’s killer. Their stakeout was suddenly interrupted when Elliott came home and was seen doing some sketchy things around the house. #TeamEzria

Emily goes to the hospital to tell Elliott about the girls discovering Mary Drake was Ali’s mom’s sister, and that maybe she wasn’t having hallucinations at all. Just then, Ali suffered a complete psychotic event and Elliott said she has been “going completely crazy” and she is in constant need of sedation.

Mona and Caleb follow Mary Drake to Spencer’s house, where Charlotte’s mom revealed she used to be close with the Hastings family, but then left Rosewood after Jessica turned everyone against her with claims of Jessica always being jealous of her. Drake also revealed that the only reason she came back to Rosewood was because she found out Jessica was dead.

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS - "Tick-Tock Bitches" - It's life or death for one of the PLLs in "Tick-Tock, Bitches," the season seven premiere of Freeform's hit original series "Pretty Little Liars," airing TUESDAY, JUNE 21 (8:00 - 9:00 p.m. EDT). Fans can catch up on where the Liars left off with an all-day marathon of season six starting at 11:00 a.m. EDT and running up to the one-hour summer premiere at 8:00 p.m. EDT. (Freeform/Eric McCandless) TROIAN BELLISARIO, ANDREA PARKER

(Freeform/Eric McCandless)

All the while, flooded with the knowledge that Mary has a British (or maybe Australian) confidant, Aria hits up Snookers- yes THAT Snookers- in hopes of catching her man. Instead, she found herself back at Ezra’s apartment, with her head flooded with memories of their ultra-romantic bathroom hookup and B26 playing on the jukebox.

Speaking of past emotions resurfacing, Emily spent the course of her time this episode controlling her feelings for Alison, all while Ali is basically confessing to Charlotte’s murder, along with finding a red jacked. (Not to be confused with the infamous Red Coat everyone knows so well.)

Hanna managed to escape A.D. after a subconscious pep talk from Spencer- only to be picked up on the side of the road by Mary.

What were your thoughts on the first episode of Season 7 for “Pretty Little Liars?” Who do you think the girls will bury four days from now?