We’ve been waiting months for the return of “Pretty Little Liars” and tonight’s Season 6 midseason premiere episode on Freeform, formally ABC Family, was filled with mixed reviews — but I am breaking it all down for you!
It’s been five years since all of the liars have been together in Rosewood, the town that made their high school years anything, but ordinary… WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD
An unexpected reunion occurs when Alison asks the girls to come back to Rosewood to attend the official hearing for Charlotte to be released, and their testimonies depended on it.
When the girls meet with Alison to discuss what the hearing is going to be about, Ali gives them an ultimatum saying that all she wants is a piece of her family back and she wants them to do whatever it takes for her to be set free. Yes, everyone… That means Ali wants the girls to lie for her… again.
During the hearing, Aria was the only one to say that she would not feel safe, while the other girls lied and said they would feel safe with Charlotte being out in society. It leaves us wondering if Ezra’s unexpected arrival to the hearing had anything to do with her decision? Plus, Mona surprisingly also says that she would feel safe — wait what??? I thought Mona was still having “bad dreams.” Is she fooling everyone again?
The girls go for drinks at The Radley (the new hotel where the sanitarium was) after they find out Charlotte is going to be released and free to live at home. Suddenly, the audience finds out that the liars are being watched once again from a security monitor inside the hotel lobby. Could this be Uber A starting over again?
The morning after Charlotte was released, Alison called the girls to say that Charlotte was no longer in the house and had no idea where she went. The police discover Charlotte’s body in the front yard of the church, where it seems to be that she took her own life.
The episode ends with the girls all attending Charlotte’s funeral, as did the ‘Brotherhood of Ex-Boyfriends’ side note: was this not the best line of the entire episode? The liars were then stopped by Officer Lorenzo telling the them that Charlotte’s case is now being ruled a homicide and they need to stay in town for questioning over the next few days. Could Lorenzo be up to no good since him and Ali once had a fling? I don’t know what he is up to, but I have a feeling it’s nothing in the liar’s favor.
A few things to catch you up on with some extra info:
– All the girls have run-ins with their ex boyfriends giving us the chance to see Toby, Caleb and Ezra…
-It was revealed in the episode Ezra is back from South America, and his friend, love interest, whatever you want to call her, Nicole, is dead/missing along with a dozen other volunteers. All they know is that they have no idea where she is and what exactly happened.
-Emily is finding it hard to move on from her fathers death, affecting her life in many aspects.
-Emily’s mom has an on and off boyfriend.
-Hannah’s mom runs the new hotel downtown.
-Aria has a new love interest, Liam.
-Spencer’s mom is running for Senator.
-Hannah is now engaged.
-Clearly, the moms have escaped from the basement!
What did you all think of the 5 years forward kick off event? Tweet me and let me know what you think! Don’t forget to watch “Pretty Little Liars: Tuesday’s at 8pm on Freeform and then check back with us for your round up!