Ladies and germs, I am back from my Bachelor recap hiatus and I couldn’t have picked a better episode to return to! We picked up this week as a continuation of last week’s pre-rose ceremony drama. Ben had just been informed by multiple women that Olivia is not who she seems to be, and he confronts her about the matter. Classic Olivia played the victim and used all of her roses as an excuse for why the girls dislike her. My favorite quote from her convo to Ben was “I like reading books in my room, and thinking… I want to talk smart things.” Me too, Olivia, me too.
Ben put on his best poker face as he put on the rose ceremony and eliminated Jennifer, not to my surprise. She seemed great, but I never once saw her interact with Ben! Honestly, I was surprised she made it this far. I wish her the best of luck with her very generic career of “Small Business Owner!” My guess is she either sells Herbalife or some sort of plastic wrap that is supposed to make you skinny.
While the next location – the Bahamas – promises sunshine and relaxation, this trip is anything but. My hats off to the producers of “The Bachelor” who managed to even manipulate the weather to reflect the crap-storm of an episode we were about to witness!
Caila gets ANOTHER one-on-one date much to the dismay of Leah, who has been secretly plotting her self-destruction with all the free time she’s had from not dating Ben. I predict Caila makes it into the top 3. Benny boy loved hearing Caila be vulnerable and spew the “L” word.
The next day was a producing nightmare: (or blessing?) a handful of women on a beach chasing pigs and crying. Every girl is pissed, and Ben looks like every boyfriend who hears the words “I’m fine” and knows he’s in hot water. Leah finally gets her moment to talk to the Ben of her dreams and she chooses these precious few moments to cry and complain about not talking to him ever. Even though this is her chance to talk to him. Right. Now. I tell ya, if I met a guy who whined to me on the first date I would have sent him packing!
In the evening, Leah chooses her second opportunity to talk to Ben as a chance to show her true colors and gossip some more about girls in the house as she attacks Lauren B. Let me repeat that again: she attacks LAUREN B. The one who isn’t Olivia. LAUREN B!!! I’m still trying to wrap my head around why Leah had it out for her. Why is Lauren B specifically Leah’s competition? Why not Olivia, the bully? Lucky for us, Ben wised up and after Leah’s impromptu late-night visit he sends her packing. Ain’t nobody got time for gossiping, Leah girl. Bye Fe-LEAH-cia!
The next part might be my favorite moment of Bachelor history ever: the double date with Olivia and Emily. Olivia felt so confident on this date, she too dropped the “L” bomb, and Ben took that as the perfect opportunity to dump her. He then proceeded to disappear with Emily giving us the most epic aerial wide shot of Olivia crying on a beach with the stormy winds blowing the waves at her feet. Y’all, I was literally laughing and clapping during this moment. Now don’t call me heartless, this is television! Real people feelings are for real people situations and it’s hard for me to feel sorry for people in such a well-produced environment.
The rose ceremony sent Lauren H home, and I am a bit surprised Emily made it past her, but I didn’t see Lauren H making it much further, anyway.
The rest of the season teaser looks JUICY AF!! We see tears, tears, and more tears. Ben tears, Caila tears, Jojo tears, and I’m sure Chris Harrison was crying somewhere in there too. Plus, we hear Ben say “I love you” TWICE, which blew me away! I thought the bachelors were not allowed to say the “L” word until the proposal! Then we see a moment of what looks like Ben regretting he dumped one girl and calling her back to propose- JUUUUIIICCCYYYY!!! If you have any insight to “The Bachelor” rules of saying “I love you,” and any predictions at all, comment below and chat with me on Twitter @TheKylieHodges!