Freeform’s hit drama “The Fosters” was a true spectacle this week! Each week is getting better and better during season 3B. This episode had the makeup of some of my favorites, it was filled with enough humor & heart to balance out the dramatics. As usual I am here to give you the rundown on all that happened & offer some of my insight. Let’s dive right into “EQ.”
Stef & Lena
This week our mamas had a lot going on for them emotionally, professionally, & with Jesus. Let’s start with Stef.
Stef has volunteered to teach an “emotional intelligence” class, commonly called an EQ aka emotional quotient, at the local community center on behalf of the San Diego police department. At her first class one of the students make a joke about her breasts unknowledgeable that they are in fact pads because of her recent procedure to rid her of cancer. She rightfully overreacts & kicks the young male out of class.
Stef overreacts again during a situation with Jesus (which I will get to below) telling him that his birth father wants nothing to do with him so he needs to get it together. All though this outburst was very truthful & needed to happen, it was the way it was communicated that was the problem. Stef realizes after a conversation with Lena that in both fits of anger displayed she should have of found different ways to communicate her frustration without being so harsh. She later fixes her mistakes by explaining herself to the EQ class (with Jesus in attendance as a part of his punishment), she tells them that it is not only kids & teens who need to work on emotional response but also adults.
Lena’s problem were all pretty work related this week. After last week’s tiff with Monte (recurring guest star Annika Marks), over showing special treatment with the students & their senior projects seeing as how Monte decided to help Sally (guest star Pepi Sonuga) get materials for her garden project, let’s just say Monte & Lena are not on the same page. After Lena mentions that Brandon would like to use a bigger space at Anchor Beach for rehearsals, Monte counts with the fact that some students are having issues with the subject matter of Brandon’s (but ultimately Shakespeare’s) play. The pair decide to let both sides state their case at the next honor board meeting. I will get to that soon!
We close the episode with Sally walking into Lena’s office crying. She is very upset because she claims that… MONTE KISSED HER!
Callie felt with three major issues this week. Those three things are her relationship with both AJ & Rita, and Chloe (guest star Marcella Lentz-Pope), Rita’s daughter who is mentally unstable.
Callie & AJ (recurring guest star Tom Williamson) are kinda dating right now & let me tell you… I LOVE IT! (Help me settle a debate. Are we calling them Caj or Ajallie? I like Ajallie!) Callie has no qualms revealing this fact to her moms after they tell the kids that AJ is staying with them this week while Mike is out of town. Our mamas see no problem with the pairing as long as they behave & follow house rules. Unfortunately for Brallie fans, Brandon walks in right at the time that Callie reveals this to the mamas.
Callie has to also deal with the aftermath of her fight with Rita (recurring guest star Rosie O’Donnell) about the foster reform bill. That gets made more difficult when Chloe calls and sounds suicidal. When Callie goes to Rita to talk about the situation, Rita tells her that this happens a lot with Chloe when she goes off her meds and that it never results in anything traumatic only a dent in Rita’s banking account. Callie get angry because it seems that Rita doesn’t care about her daughter. Rita rebuffs that this argument isn’t really about Chloe but about their previous riff.
Despite Rita’s warning, Callie goes to see Chloe at the motel she is staying in. Chloe continues the pattern that Rita previously explained, spill a sob story then ask for money. Callie get weary of Chloe after that so much so that she begins to ignore her calls which results in Chloe attempting suicide by swallowing a handful of pills. Luckily she survives and decides to finally get her life together, hopefully this lasts.
We end Callie’s storyline this week with a kiss with AJ, which Brandon sees. Who do you ship, Braille or Ajallie?
As I previously mentioned, Brandon’s storyline this week was all about his battle to be able to continue his work on R&J after Sally and a few others protest. Brandon has a meeting with Monte and Lena after he rips up a petition in the school hallway. They inform him that he has a meeting with the honor council to debate over whether it’s ethical for the school to put on a show that many believe “glorifies teen suicide”
At the meeting Brandon makes it clear that Shakespeare was not “glorifying suicide” in fact he wasn’t even glorifying Romeo & Juliet’s relationship. Despite all his efforts the committee decides to not allow the show on school grounds. Time to find a new space to put on this show.
Jesus has taken over the title of hot mess from Brandon. He has decided to become a reckless person and sneak vodka in orange juice bottle and take it to school. He even thinks that he can get away with it by replacing the vodka he used with tap water. JESUS GET IT TOGETHER! UNLESS YOU WANT TO END UP ON RECOVERY ROAD. Jesus makes a huge mistake. He shows up drunk later that night and has Mari, AJ, & Callie cover for him. Later the next day he shows up hammered to Gabe’s (guest star Brandon Quinn) work site. Gabe breaks the law just to bring him home to our mamas where they are furious that he is turning to this path instead of dealing with these things responsibly.
Elsewhere in the episode/ Final Thoughts
- Mari meets Gabe finally & shares an amazing scene with Jesus that was very heartfelt.
- Does anybody ship Mari and Nick ( guest star Louis Hunter)? What is their ship name? Marick? Nickiana?
- Does anyone else miss Grandma Sharon?! I DO!
- Do we believe that Monte kissed Sally? I hope not because I LOVE Annika!
- I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THIS R&J MUSICAL! I can’t wait to see how the other musical cast members will be incorporated.
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