After the lockdown at school and the lockdown at home the Adams-Foster gang is back at school but didn’t start off on the right foot but rather, on the right fist LOL! Sorry small joke. Alight lets get into episode 3 “Trust”.
Lets begin with Callie. As you know she confessed to her mom’s about everything that happened with her and Brandon. To this day no one has really said anything. She had a dream that her moms told her that they would reverse the adoption but that was it. Lets get to tough chick moment Callie had at school. The taunting about Callie sleeping with Brandon continue and when a boy teases her Callie turns around and knocks him out with a right hook. Thought she would get away with it? Nope! Mama/assistant principal suspended her for a day. On her day off Callie meets this 19-year-old guy named Aaron at a coffee shop. She lies about her name, her age and that she’s a photog student at NYU. She end up taking a ride with him on the back of his motorcycle. While they are at a gorgeous scenery, he kisses her and she goes along with it?! Ugh, what about AJ… her boyfriend?? Ay Callie! Any who on the way back home, Callie asks Aaron to take a detour and they pull up to the house where she grew up until she was 10. I would say it was a pretty nice date with a stranger, that is until Mama Lena catches her. Both moms have a sit down with her and when Callie snaps back they realize she has been scared that they would reverse her adoption, but moms express that they are family and she needs to trust the and trust [this].
Alright on to Mr. playa playa Jesus. Him and Emma decide to be friends with benefits, but before proceeding, Emma asks that they both gets checked. In the end they decide to be “exclusive” friends with benefits. Low key, or actually HIGH key I think they will end up together. First off all they make a HOT couple and secondly they are so in love, SO OBVIOUS! Ah thanks for keeping it nice and easy Jemma! Yes i created another nick name (Jesus+Emma=Jemma)
Oh Mr. all grown up Brandon. Um can I just say that Courtney is not the only one who can tell that Brandon is not ready to play house? I mean, does he like her? Yes! Is he ready to be a dad? I thin not. So obviously this means he’s still living with Courtney, but how long will this last? He already went back home to “practice” on the piano, had a heart to heart with mom Stef and already had an encountered with Courtney’s baby daddy. Um sorry B, you’s a baby yourself, go home.
Now on to sweet sweet Jude. So he was with Connor, the only boy he’s ever dated and kissed. But then he kissed Taylor, first time kissing a girl as well. But now he might, maybe not, still be into boys? Well you tell me? Taylor invites him to a youth group at her church and he quickly learns that one of the boys from the group is gay. When he is partnered up with him, Jude becomes very uncomfortable. Why Jude why? Is it because you’re straight now? You’re confused? Or is it because this is a potential new love interest? Guess we gotta find out next week.
Lastly we have Mariana. Miss Thang didn’t have an easy first day back either. Girls were blaming her for Nick’s actions, calling her a cheater and a whore. Matt tried to console her but Mariana didn’t want to talk about it, she asked him if they can jut start over from the beginning. Yay Matiana is back!! Okay that wasn’t my best, but hey it’ll do! As Matt goes to get his book bag, Mariana gets a call from…. Nick! He tells her he misses her and asks when she will go visit him?! OH-EM-GEE!! Thought we were done with him. Guess we also gotta tune in next week to find out what Mariana will do!
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