“And I was like baby, baby, baby … OH!”
Don’t lie, you didn’t just read that, but you sang it! You know this song and hate that you love it! But let’s be honest, this is the song that made us all fall in love with Justin Bieber in the first place. I mean c’mon, “Baby” by the young JBiebs is just a classic at this point!
But get this! Your favorite BFF Goals duo of Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid did a dramatic reading of the Bieb’s song. Actually, Kendall read the lyrics dramatically. Gigi was pretty much me because she just rocked out and sang the song!
And can we please take a moment to just acknowledge their HAIR! So beyond flawless!
But seriously, the two BFFs are just hilarious as they read (or in Gigi’s case, sing) their good friend’s song! They get so into it, it’s just so adorable to watch! Kendall even ends the video with a cute little wink! So precious!
Who are you more like? Kendall who gets super serious about it, or Gigi who has a little free for all singing instead of just being dramatic? Let us know in the comments below! Or tweet us!