You can catch him in Law of Attraction, Calculating Euphoria and as Prince Edward in the upcoming The Engagement. Growing up in the Southwest of England, we wanted to get to know more about James Nitti and he so kindly chatted with us! Learn more about the British actor below.
Growing up, when did you know you wanted to be an actor?
“That’s a funny one for me actually. I had always acted from a very young age. It all started when I was about 9 or 10-years-old. My grandma saw an ad in the paper looking for a young boy for a role in a local TV show. I ended up going in and booking it. From there on I went on to book other small roles in TV and film productions.
I was soon signed by a Management and Agency in London when I was about 13 or 14. Even though I was acting a fair amount and part of organizations such as The National Youth Theatre and National Youth Music Theatre, at the time it was always something I enjoyed as a hobby, and hadn’t actually imagined doing it as a career.
It wasn’t until I was 17/18 looking at universities, as I was looking to go into either sports science or music production that a friend asked me why I wasn’t auditioning for Drama Schools. I guess it was at this point where I realized maybe I was looking at my future and hobbies all wrong, and maybe it shouldn’t just be a hobby or something I enjoyed, but something I should do as a job, why not focus my career path on something I was doing anyway for pure enjoyment. I managed to get one of the last audition slots at one of the top Drama Schools in the country, I auditioned and got in. I guess the rest is history!”

Is anyone else in your family in the business? Was there an actor you looked up to?
“As a kid my elder sister was also an actor and singer like myself. We were involved in a lot of youth projects together growing up. Neither of my parents were ever in the industry, however they both definitely try and claim that the acting abilities came from their side of the gene pool. Even though neither of them were involved in the entertainment industry at all. They were both always super supportive, always taking me to classes, auditions, rehearsals etc. I don’t think growing up there was a single night of the week, where I wasn’t somewhere after school involved in something!”
At the age of 18, you attended, The Guildford School of Acting, what was that experience like for you?
“I loved my three years at GSA. It was a little odd for me at first. I had grown up for 18 years being the only one of my friends who had any interest in acting. We all played sport together nearly every single day, and spent nearly every hour of everyday together, yet acting was something none of my close friends had any interest or involvement in.
It was odd, and almost a little overwhelming at first for me to be suddenly thrown together with a whole class group of friends who all shared that same passion of acting and it was acting and theatre 24/7 all of a sudden.
GSA was pretty intense, I would speak to my other friends at university who had a few classes here and there throughout the week- like, ”Oh yea I have a class on Monday, on Tuesday, nothing Wednesday and Thursday and two on Friday” etc. At drama school I was in class Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5pm for pretty much three straight years. It was a pretty exhausting time to say the least!”
What was the first role you landed where you felt really proud?
“The first ‘big’ role I landed that I felt really proud of myself was the leading role of Galahad in Dragons of Camelot. It was my first large budget full feature film. It was filmed in Wales, and there were huge sets in real castles, mountainous landscapes, vast lakes and a large multi unit crew. I was riding horses and fighting with swords, throwing myself through bushes and killing dragons, safe to say I had a really fun time!”
What project has been the most fun working on and why?
“I think the most enjoyable project that I’ve been in, is my most recent film, A Royal Christmas Engagement. I performed the leading role of Prince Edward and it was such a brilliant working experience.
The director was amazing, and we had a lot of fun together, the whole crew were so lovely and their work was astounding. The crew had all worked together multiple times before, and so they had this incredible work efficiency that was almost intimidating!
I remember specifically thinking that I didn’t want to be the weak link in this clearly well oiled machine of production! It really made me bring my A-game to set everyday! Another reason why this was such a fun project to work on, was not only the crew all amazing, but two very good friends of mine also booked roles in the film, including the leading lady playing opposite me. The fact that the three of us were already close friends, made every day at work super relaxed and a joyous experience. Even in the super cold Buffalo winter!”
You have made the move to Los Angeles, what made you want to make the transition and what has it been like for you?
“Like a lot of British or Australian actors, I came out here for work. L.A. really is the place for the industry. I had booked a film out here, which brought me out here originally and then from there all my subsequent work has kept me here! I do really love it here though! The work is here, and then on top of that, you have the unbeatable LA weather!
For someone like me who grew up loving the outdoors and adventure, it’s amazing being in this hustling and bustling crazy city, yet can be hiking a canyon in the sun in just 5 minutes, or down on the beach (traffic depending) in 20 minutes. I can go skiing 90 minutes away or camping in national forests for the weekend. It really is such an accessible and fun place to live if you love the outdoors, but you need to be in the city!
To be brutally honest, the only thing I really miss is my Family and my friends, ma boys! If I could bring them all out here in a heartbeat I’d be set. I have a large family back home in the UK, and it can be tough for me when I see them all get together for a Birthday or event back home with my parents.
Those are the times when it’s really hard. Of course, there is FaceTime and the like, but it’s not quite the same! My sister has children now too, so I feel even more like I’m watching from afar from the sidelines as I slowly turn into the elusive uncle who’s over in America.”
What types of projects would you want to work on in the next few years?
“I’m open to any kind of project or role to be honest. I usually end up playing the nice guy or the funny guy, so I’d love to book the bad guy for once. I think that would be a super fun and exciting challenge for sure. Early in your acting career, you always end up booking roles that are somewhat similar to yourself as a person. So I’d love to play a role that is so far removed from who I am in reality.”
What should fans know about you that they may not know?
“Some people may not know but I am also a singer and guitarist. Before I came to L.A. I was in a band for several years too. I write my own stuff and play and sing most days. I used to have a bunch of acoustic covers on my youtube channel, which I think I’ve taken down now, maybe if enough people ask I’ll put it all back up!”