Sunday night, the E! Network, debuted “I Am Cait,” a docu-series, following the life of former Olympic athlete, Bruce Jenner, as he is fully transitioned into Caitlyn Jenner, the woman who he had always pictured himself being.
The episode centered around not only Caitlyn leading up to the days where she was going to introduce herself to her mother, Esther, and two sisters, Pam and Lisa, but also the responsibilities following her with her newfound role as a spokeswoman for transgender people.
When the time came to “meet” the family, the tone was emotional, with Ester even stating, “He’s a very good-looking woman.” Caitlyn had even brought in an expert on transgender issues to be there to answer any questions the family may have throughout the initial meeting.
Speaking of meeting family, her daughter, Kylie, met Caitlyn via FaceTime in the episode for the first time (after coming off of medicine at the dentist). The youngest Jenner made up for the initial meeting later in the episode, showing up to put in some bright green-blue extension into her Caitlyn’s hair from her new collection. Caitlyn even managed to lighten the moment by jokingly asking, “Isn’t this more fun than talking about sports?”
Kim and the ‘more than a little uncomfortable’ Kanye West even managed to make a cameo in the series premiere, as well. Mrs. West came to help Caitlyn rummage through her lavish closet that any woman would be jealous of — including DVF that was gifted to her!
The premiere episode, builds up to an extremely emotional ending with Jenner traveling to San Diego to meet the family of teenager, Kyler Prescott, a transgender teen who had recently committed suicide; listening quietly as Kyler’s mother talks about her late son. She even attended a balloon release ceremony held in Prescott’s honor. Friends and family of the teen were all in attendance.
Jenner shows her raw, emotional being that can’t help but tug at your heartstrings throughout the entire episode with content that very may well succeed in changing some viewers’ hearts and minds.
What did you think of the new docu-series? Leave your comments below- and don’t forget to watch I Am Cait, Sunday’s at 9p.m. on E!