As Caitlyn Jenner continues her transition in front of the camera for her new reality show, I Am Cait, the newest E! series follows Jenner as she embarks on her first girlfriends trip to San Fransisco, all while trying to find her feminine voice from within.
In the beginning of the second episode Jenner, 65, expresses her desire to have a feminine voice. Although she has made numerous changes to her body to be more feminine, she is still self conscious about her voice being so deep. As she brought up the possibility of vocal surgery to one of her biggest supporters, Kim Kardashian-West, even she expressed her concerns about this arguing, “What if they made a mistake and you came out with no voice?”
Still being intrigued about the subject, Jenner decided to bring up the conversation once more while having dinner with a group of all transgender women; for she is interested in finding out what the others did to change their vocal chords. Their answers, surprisingly, varied from person to person.
Some advocates such as Chandi Moore declared she hadn’t done one thing to her voice, and if you can’t accept that, then you can’t accept her. On the flip side, Jen Richards among others, admitted to seeing vocal therapists because they couldn’t stand being outed by their voice.
While on her girlfriends road trip to San Fransisco Calif., the conversation about social programs and her conservative beliefs, brought concern to the group, considering Jenner’s new responsibility as being appointed the voice of the transgender community, just two weeks after introducing Caitlyn to the world. While most of the women who embarked on the journey with Caitlyn, stood behind the importance of social programs after many transgender individuals turn to sex when other employers turn them down for their sexual orientation; Jenner’s concern was that the men and women participating in the programs will become too dependent on them in order to survive.
“Now I’m worried,” Jenny Boylan said as the other women all show signs of discomfort. “Caitlyn has every right to be as conservative as she chooses, but many transgender men and women need social programs to survive, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Living in the bubble is an impediment to understanding other people. Cait’s going to be a spokesperson for the community. This is something she’s going to have to understand.”
The docu-series continued to show Jenner in such a raw and emotional state in a way that we aren’t used to seeing from her, given her past, and how she had to deal with emotions in the past.
Don’t forget to watch I Am Cait, Sunday’s at 9 pm on E!