One suspect’s innocence proven, one accidental overdose and blackmailing galore… Just another week of Freeform’s summer drama “Guilt.” The suspense continues to build and the secrets begin to come out but who really killed Molly Ryan? Week three is over and I’m not sure we’re any closer to finding out!
This week had only a few primary focuses compared to previous weeks. A lot of storyline revolved around crazy women, Beatrice Linley, Grace’s cyber hate and Ros’ blackmailing ways! We also get a little peak into Prince Theo’s secrets.
We pick up this week with the cliffhanger from week two. We also are quick to find out that Professor Linley’s wife is a little nuts, but can we blame her? After years of dealing with her husband cheating with much younger women she has officially cracked. She is a very convincing victim when trying to tell police that it was in fact, Patrick Ryan, who shot her husband. They fall for her lies at first but some evidence quickly reassures them that it was Beatrice who shot her husband.
Grace is dealing with a lot of cyber hate this week. After being named “American Psycho” in last week’s episode, the comments online continue to get worse. The hate, along with being stuck in her hotel hiding from the press leave Grace completely unable to sleep. Resulting in her taking WAY too many of Natalie’s sleeping pills, ending in a stomach pump and hospital stay. This was a great subject matter for this show to take advantage of. With the media and internet playing such a pivotal role in news these days, it was an important matter to touch upon.
One of the biggest pieces of information we received last week was that Roz was the one who had Molly’s phone which had some pictures of Grace and Natalie’s stepdad, James, that could be used against him. This episode we see a lot of how clever and crafty Roz actually is. She is quick to realize that this could be used as leverage to get pretty much whatever she wanted. She blackmails James for money and Stan jumps in to “call the shots.” This is funny, because I think Roz had all the viewers fooled until the end of the episode when you find out the intricate plan she was in charge of.
One of the most important things we learn this week is that Molly had a secret relationship with Prince Theo, and she was being paid to keep it quiet. We also hear mention of birth control, which automatically had me thinking PRINCE THEO WAS THE BABY DADDY! At this point it is very important that the prince’s secret stays quiet because he has a fiance. This is turn ends this week’s episode with Prince Theo threatening and blackmailing detective Bruno. I feel like blackmail will be a very common thread in this series!
Another week down and I’ve realized with any question that gets an answer, a new question arrises. What do you think of the series so far? Leave comments below or tweet us @popheartsTV and make sure to tune in and join the mystery Monday nights on Freeform.