Oh the bliss of marriage! Those first few days, even the first few weeks are pure magic … or so we thought! It’s week four of marriage for our two couples and that means they’ve officially been married for one month! Their futures together looked bright, but now one husband is saying he’s not attracted to his wife!
Nick and Sonia
Down and Dirty recap of episode 7:
Nick and Sonia are continuing to work on their relationship on a deeper and more emotional level but Nick is totally disengaged. Sonia is pulling his teeth to open up and talk on a deeper level than just “Hi, how’s it going?” Well, it’s five o’clock somewhere and Nick is really going to town on how much he is drinking during the conversation and I think it’s safe to say Nick was a bit or A LOT tipsy during this conversation. Nick is a hot head and has zero patience, not the greatest quality to have especially with someone life Sonia. He thinks there should be zero effort involved in making the marriage work since three experts matched them. WTF, seriously WTF, WTF, WTF!!!!! Every relationship, no matter how big or small, require effort! Relationships with friends, even animals require effort! Nick is seriously delusional and so unfit to be a husband. Oh yeah, it only gets worse … While Sonia is pouring her heart out, admitting her faults and trying to figure out a solution to this, all Nick can do is berate her out of fear “she’ll go back to her old ways” and aggressively pets his dog. Excuse me sir, but Sonia has literally done nothing wrong and if she has done something wrong she’s apologizing for it NOW, if you’d just open up your ears ya jackass! He storms out of the room into the backyard and yells loud enough for Sonia to hear, “I’m not attracted to her. I don’t even want to try to be attracted to her.” Alright, that’s it, Sonia says “Peace Out!”
Episode 8:
Sonia leaves Nick in his drunken rage and goes back to her old home, because she doesn’t feel emotionally safe staying at their home. Pastor Cal steps in to do some major damage control. God love Pastor Cal!
The pastor first sits down with Nick to get his perspective on how the night went when he flipped on Sonia. Nick of course lies through his teeth and tries to make it seem like Sonia is the one at fault. Pastor Cal digs further and asks how intimate Nick and Sonia have been to assess how much damage was done. Nick firmly sticks to the statement they have NOT had sex! He says they’ve only kissed and slept next to each other. Switch to Pastor Cal and Sonia’s meeting.
Sonia tells Cal that she feels disgusted by Nick’s actions and words, that Nick has some form of hate towards her and what he did was absolutely unacceptable. Then comes the topic of SEX… Pastor Cal asks Sonia how intimate Nick and Sonia have been. Sonia admits that her and Nick …. Have … HAD SEX! Not just once but multiple times!!!!!
OH MY GAWD!!!! Like, what the … seriously?
Alright, now that you’ve let that sink in, you can pick your jaw up off the floor. Yes, we at PopHearts TV were just as shocked as the rest of the ‘MAFS’ fanatics!!! This is insane because both of them have continuously denied ever being intimate with each other, THEY LIED TO US. Isn’t that like the number one thing NOT to do in a relationship is lie? So Nick and Sonia have bumped uglies, (clearly Nick is somewhat attracted to Sonia) and their relationship seems to take a turn from ugly to subpar.
Pastor Cal gives Nick and Sonia homework, which entails them talking openly about their insecurities and taking one another to a very special place that defines who they are. Sonia takes Nick to her old stomping grounds in “Little Cuba” where Nick sticks out like a sore thumb and butchers his way through ordering a Hispanic lunch. Nick takes Sonia to his former high school’s baseball field (REAL ORIGINAL, NICK) where he tells Sonia he always thought his mom was bad luck so he never invited her to games. Are we seeing a woman-hater pattern here…? Just sayin’.
Tom and Lilly
Down and Dirty recap of episode 7:
It’s Tom’s birthday and Lilly surprises him by flying in his brother from Colorado. She throws a mini surprise birthday dinner for Tom and he is very grateful for the kind gesture. We find out the couple is already very open with one another because in the episode they talk about farting and pooping. For real, we aint kidding! I guess that’s a good sign? Like every episode we’ve seen so far this season, Tom and Lily are head over heels infatuated with one another and barely fight. Tom tells the camera: “It’s easy, it’s fluid, it’s perfect” about he and Lily’s marriage. Who the hell created this man and can that person create some more people like Tom, like 100 million!?!?!
Episode 8:
Tom and Lily are still very much attracted to each other and nothing crazy bad has happened in their marriage thus far. Could’ve guessed that one! Tom and Lily meet with Pastor Cal to give him an update on things which are hindering their marriage. Lily continues to get discouraged by the fact that Tom doesn’t want to talk about their future plans, but rather figure out what they can be working on in the present moment in time. Lily admits she’s afraid Tom will up and leave her just like her father did to her family, which isn’t fair to Tom and he tells her, “I see a future with you and I wouldn’t do this experiment just to leave you in the end.” Again, why are there not more Toms in this world?!?!?! Pretty much Lily is getting way too into her head and ahead of herself when it comes to this relationship and could possibly sabotage their happiness if she keeps it up, this coming from Pastor Cal.
Derek and Heather
Still divorced. Heather is still not attracted to Derek. And they are still not getting back together. Derek and Heather meet with expert Rachel in order to get closure on their relationship. BORING!!!!
Next week’s episode starts the beginning of the end for some couples. There are only two weeks left of their six week marriage, Sonia and Nick continue to fight, Sonia still has not moved back into their house, Tom and Lily hit a few bumps on the relationship road, and Derek and Heather hint at reconciliation! Will Nick’s attraction for Sonia grow? Will Nick and Sonia ever stop fighting? Will Tom and Lily finally have their first fight? Stay tuned to popheartstv.com to get all your “Married At First Sight” scoop.