Former X-Factor contestant, Millie Thrasher, recently released an emotional cover of Calvin Harris’ “How Deep is Your Love.” The video premiered exclusively on Thrasher’s YouTube channel and already has over sixty thousand views!
The video, shot close up in black and white, allowed for no distractions from Millie’s impeccable vocals. Thrasher brings a style and uniqueness to Calvin Harris’ dance hit that almost creates an entirely new song. Millie has also covered Justin Bieber’s hit single “Sorry” while showing off her serious dance skills! It is obvious that Millie Thrasher is an artist to watch!
Check out the video here:
In the recording studio, Millie has been under the tutelage & vocal production of Jan Smith. “Mama Jan” as Usher tagged her, has been working in the music industry for over 26 years & has been described as “the secret sauce” by Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun. Smith & her MJM team believe that Millie brings her own secret sauce to the table & are excited to have her under development on her forthcoming debut EP.
It seems that Millie has a great team behind her. She calls her fans the #Millietary, which I find to be the cutest fandom name ever! Yo Millie, can I join?
I think it is safe to say that Millie is evolving into an amazing artist and we can’t wait to see her career explode! Hopefully Millie will bless us with some original music soon. Make sure to follow Millie on social media for all the latest updates and news!
Twitter: @LuvAlwaysMillie