No armor can save you from the pain of this episode!
Before we get to the heartache, let’s start at the beginning…
Hades love for Zelena causes him to do the unthinkable, he reaches out to our heroes for help. Gold and Pan will only let Zelena go if he rips up the contract. Knowing that with Pan and Gold it’ll never be that easy, he asks Emma to help him and in return he will write everyone’s name off of the tombstones.
As Hades predicts, once he meets Gold, Pan and Zelena in the diner and rips up the contract to Gold’s second born, they also want Zelena’s heart for Pan to take. Emma comes in and stops Pan from taking Zelena’s heart. Gold disappears since he got what he came for and Pan quickly follows suit. Zelena is so moved by Hades’ actions, she kisses him passionately, bringing back his heart.
The rest of the heroes meet with them and they head to the graveyard. The clock tower is spinning and will eventually open a portal to the living. Hades takes all the names off the tombstones as promised. Emma tries to put half her heart in Hook, as Snow and David once did to save each other, but it doesn’t work. Hook has been dead for too long. Hades explains there may be another way. He explains to them that they must go to the Ambrosia plant. Emma and Hook’s love will be tested for its purity before they can reach it. Emma and Hook head down the elevator shaft to try to find the Ambrosia.
Once they leave, Regina convinces Robin to hand his daughter to Zelena and Hades so that they can take the baby back to the living. Reluctantly Robin agrees. Zades and baby go to the portal. The rest of the heroes wait for Emma and Hook. Robin takes a moment alone to think about his daughter when Gold appears and takes his heart out for Pan.
Henry comes up with a plan to help everyone in the Underworld find their unfinished business. Now that Hades is leaving, there’s no one to keep them there…or so they think. Cruella arrives and proclaims that she will now be in charge and no one is going anywhere. The Witch shows up as well and throws all of our heroes in the library with a spell. This is no typical Witch spell as they discover and Hades is the one behind her enhanced powers.
Meanwhile, Emma and Hook come across a challenge. Emma has to give her heart to see if her love is true. When she places it down, she falls down and feels pain. Hook goes to grab the heart for her, but he’s surrounded in fire. He yells to her to grab her heart but instead she saves him from the fire. This was a test and she winds up being okay and a door opens to the Ambrosia. But all of it is dead. They figure out Hades was behind this as well and head back up to meet the heroes. Except Hook tells Emma he’s not going with her this time. “You should’ve let me go in Camelot, don’t make that mistake again” Hook says to her. Cue tears from everyone. “I don’t know how to say goodbye” Emma confesses. They kiss as she goes up the elevator to meet up with the rest of the heroes. Together Emma and Regina are able to break the curse locking them in the library and they head to the portal. Just as David and Emma are about to go through it, she hesitates. David tells her she’s doing the right thing and she goes with him through the portal.
Before our heroes make it to the portal, Gold brings Robin’s heart to Pan in exchange for Pandora’s box (which will allow him to bring Belle through the portal as well). But that was no heart. It was a fake, filled with the water from the river of souls. Gold tells Pan he will always be a villain and villains don’t deserve a happy ending. Pan dissolves into green smoke. Gold makes it in time with Belle to the portal.
All the flashbacks this episode were about Emma finding her armor. It came from a bounty hunter who tracked her down and died. They were in very similar situations. The woman tried to help her find out about her family, even though she herself had a daughter whom she abandoned years ago. A few years later we see that this woman was the one who inspired Emma to become a bounty hunter and when she goes to track down this woman’s daughter and tell her about her mother, she discovers her red jacket. Her jacket is her armor.
Okay, there’s a side of me that feels like Captain Swan is not 100% true love. Hear me out on this…they never would have done this scenario with Snow and Charming. When Emma is about to put her heart down Hook asks her if she’s sure it’s true love and she says she doesn’t know. Ummmm this has never been anything close to what Snow and Charming have, it’s without question that it’s true love. Also, he was a villain, like Gold. And when Gold goes to kiss Belle in this episode she doesn’t wake up. Maybe Hook’s quick turn to the dark side earlier this season is a sign that he can never fully have true love. And even though Emma gave her heart earlier, did anyone else notice she was wearing that same red “armor” jacket as she was leaving Hook? I have lots of problems and questions with this whole outcome. Maybe Hook needed to suck it up for Emma and go with her. She traveled all this way only to go home empty handed. If she wants to stay with him, he should let her. It just feels like this whole second half of the season was wasted otherwise.
Now I honestly don’t think this is the last we see of Hook. Maybe I’m in denial. But the Underworld isn’t finished yet. With Cruella and the Witch running things, there has to be a hero there to stop them. It wouldn’t be OUAT if they just let that happen.
And bravo Rumple! I haven’t said that in a while. There was no way Pan was ever going to go to the light and Rumple made sure he could never hurt anyone ever again.
And poor Zelena! Another thing I’d never thought I’d say! But her Hades is totally playing her. He’s in for a rude awakening when she finds out. Now I’m not saying he doesn’t have feelings for her, but I think, like Rumple, he will always pick the Darkness.
How much did everyone else cry in this episode? Is this the end for Captain Swan? Sound off below or tweet me @kristincarole13!