Once Upon a Time is hitting all the feels lately and this last episode is no different. This is getting to be as bad as a Pixar movie!
Zades has made it back to Storybrooke and while Zelena is worried about the others arriving, Hades is basking in being back to the land of the living. Hades warns Zelena that the townspeople won’t be too welcoming to either of them. Zelena gives her daughter to Hades and goes out to find her sister. After she leaves, King Arthur comes across Hades. He tells Hades he was wrongfully imprisoned and Hades feels for his plight. So he kills him.
Snow is told about Arthur’s escape by Merida and Sleepy (always sleeping on the job). As she’s being informed about the news, David arrives with Emma and Henry. Snow assures a grieving Emma that the trip to the Underworld wasn’t for nothing since they helped so many people move on to a better place.
Meanwhile, Robin and Regina come across Zelena. Unhappy that Hades has their daughter, the duo tell Zelena Hades can’t be trusted because he trapped them in the Underworld. Zelena is in denial and tells the Outlaw Queen that they can’t stop Hades, “he’s not a man at all, he’s a god!” And disappears in a puff of green smoke.
Back in the Underworld, Arthur is unhappy to learn from Hook that he’s dead. Hook gets Arthur to tell him that Hades was the one who killed him and that he made his way back to Storybrooke. The blooming bromance is strong with these two as they set out on a quest, to find Hades’ secrets. In his liar, the men find the ripped papers from the Storybook under his throne. In it is a passage about how to kill a god: with an Olympian Crystal.
Hades has the Olympian crystal now in his possession and he tells Zelena that he can forge it and protect them. Zelena puts a protection spell over the town hall to keep the heroes away, but Regina knows of a tunnel that can lead them in. Her and Robin head down the tunnel as Emma joins David and Snow in the library to research how to take down Hades.
Now with the pages from Hades, Hook and Arthur ask Cruella about the phone to call the land of the living. Cruella informs them that she destroyed it. So the only way to get these pages to Emma is to put them in the storybook. Hook and Arthur find the book on a perch by the river of souls. As Hook tries to grab the book, a demon attacks them. They’re able to get to the book and Hook slots in the pages in hopes that they reach Emma.
As Emma is in the library, the storybook starts moving magically and opens to the new pages Hook added. Emma goes off to destroy Hades.
Emma isn’t the only one who knows how to destroy a god as it turns out. Rumple calls Hades with an offer: he’ll protect him if he can get a piece of the Olympian crystal. Hades declines and Rumple tells him he will regret it later. Suddenly Emma is outside trying to break the protection spell. Zelena and Hades walk off to stop her, leaving the baby alone just as Regina and Robin make it inside. Zelena confronts Emma asking if Regina is the one who put her up to this.
As Regina and Robin are about to leave with the child, Hades enters with the crystal. He threatens Regina with it, “this isn’t going to kill you, it’s going to end you” Hades tells her. He throws it at her and Robin jumps in the way. His blue spirit leaves the body and gives Regina a final goodbye. Zelena walks bewildered at what happened. Hades lies but Regina tells her sister that Hades was trying to kill her but Robin stepped in the way, “that’s what true love it, sacrifice, that’s what Robin did” she tells Zelena as she picks up the Olympian crystal. Hades tells Zelena he was only doing this for them so they could rule a kingdom, but Zelena doesn’t want that. She just wanted to live with him and her daughter peacefully. Seeing through Hades lies and Regina’s sorrow, Zelena stabs Hades with the Olympian crystal, killing him instantly. Regina and Zelena weep and hug each other.
Seeing that Hades was destroyed, the white light comes across Hook and Arthur. Hook tells Arthur to come with him but he declines. Arthur says he was prophesized to save a kingdom he just didn’t realize it would be the Underworld. Hook goes into the light and Zeus greets him. He thanks Hook for helping the situation with Hades and tells Hook it’s time for him to go where he belongs.
Back in Storybrooke, everyone has gathered to say their final goodbyes to Robin, placing arrows on his casket. Regina says to Zelena she wished Robin would’ve at least been around to name their daughter. Zelena says she can only think of one name so fitting: Robin. The ladies leave together as the rest of the group peels off. Emma is the last one and as she grieves at Robin’s grave, a gust of magic comes across her and Hook is back! The two embrace and are thankful for Zeus’ gift of bringing him back to her.
Back at the Town Hall, Rumple comes across the ashes of Hades. “Should’ve taken my deal,” Rumple says as he comes across a piece of the Olympian Crystal. “Like I told you, this is my Kingdom.”
WOW WHAT AN EPISODE! Can we stop punishing Regina already though?! She done so many good deeds now and has white magic, stop trying to destroy her happiness! Although I liked Robin, I was way more devastated watching Regina say goodbye to her happy ending. I had a bad feeling when the two of them were in the tunnel and he says to her, “Our future is not written by our past, Regina you are my future.” UGH! Kiss of death! Completely heartbreaking. And why didn’t she purple smoke them out of the Town Hall?! Was it because of the protection spell? Just curious cause I feel like they don’t use that function enough. This will definitely send her to the dark side again because not only did she lose Robin, but Hook came back to Emma. I think there’s going to definitely be some jealousy with that and a “why her and not me” attitude. Not to mention, she’s getting close to her wicked sister. Sure, Zelena seems better but she just started to be good, her turn to the wickedness could be fast and she could take Regina with her.
At least Hook is back! Hooray! Again, I love Hook but I was way more excited for Emma’s sake because man she really put herself out there for him and he’s been very emo with her. Seriously, he needed to man up like he did in this episode. I loved the added touch when Emma went to Killian’s gravestone and put a flask at his stone instead of flowers. Disney always has great attention to detail like that.
And holy cow, what an ending moment with Rumple! I feel like Belle’s dad is the first on his list to take down, after refusing to awaken her from her sleep and then everyone else better watch out!
How much did everyone cry in this episode? Is this the end of good Regina? Will her and Rumple team up once again in the name of evil? Sound off in the comments or tweet me @kristincarole13!