From a secret son in the workplace to a secret rendezvous with the ex, Kate’s a grade A liar.
Picking up right where we left off in the last episode, Eric is face to face with the roid raging mystery man in the black T-shirt inside Liam Connors’ apartment. What do we learn? That the mystery man is only hunting down Liam to find a 19-year-old named Carly who appeared in a photograph that Kate sent the mystery man. Confused yet? This has all the brandishing of a long winding rabbit hole with no real payoff at the end.
Following this encounter, Eric does some more digging (with help from his assistant) on Liam only to find his entire resume and alias is fraudulent.
SPOILER ALERT: Kate knew and hired him as her assistant anyway.
But why would she do that? Dun dun dunnnnn….he’s quite possibly her first child!
Liam isn’t the only lie Eric has uncovered of Kate’s. He also manages to track her past movements to a sleazy motel where the bellhop confirms her visit with none other than Shane Campbell, the ex-boyfriend.
Surprisingly, Eric manages to keep his cool and not knock the poor bastard out. Instead, Shane comes clean and divulges Kate came to him to install additional security on one of her devices.
Speaking of security, shouldn’t we have checked out the security footage captured during the company party the night of Kate’s death by now? Oh, we’re gonna look now? Seems a bit late, but okay….Wait, there’s footage missing during the exact hours of the party? Well, that’s not suspicious at all.
The tapes, no doubt, assist Eric on his hunt to find Liam. We’re one more step closer to the rabbit hole.
Finally, Eric learns to shut his trap every time Cornell summons him to the precinct! Looks like our boy is a quick study compared to poor old Ben Crawford.
Thankfully it didn’t take too many episodes to pull back the curtain on Eric’s mom. We find her resting peacefully (in a coma?) in an extended care facility and learn she plummeted down the stairs one night while plastered when Eric and his siblings were young.
I guess that leaves us with a male lead who has mommy drama issues and a pattern of women in his life taking huge tumbles. Tragic.
This week, ABC’s companion web series takes us inside police headquarters. Andrea brings a woman in for questioning who shares a unique relationship with Liam, and may just lead Cornell to her next person of interest!