This week’s episode of “Pretty Little Liars” starts up with Hanna being picked up on the side of the road by Mary Drake…
The liars use this time to catch Hanna up on everything she has missed while she was gone including who exactly Drake was; not to mention her being the biological mother of CeCe Drake (Charlotte) and spent time as a patient at Radley Sanitarium. As Hanna was coming to grips with everything she had endured, the morning was going smoothly until flowers arrive with a note stating: “Couldn’t have done it without you, glad we’re on the same team.” – A.D.
Aria continues to ignore messages from Liam. When he finally comes to town, Aria decides to end things with him. As if that wasn’t awkward enough, Liam breaks the news to her that he is back to work on the book and will more than likely be spending lots of time with Ezra and Aria. #AriasNewEx
Spencer starts to notice Caleb has a wandering eye toward Hanna again; but Hanna seems to put that to a stop when she tells Caleb she feels safe around him, but they went back to what they used to be for only a minute.
Emily continues her concern towards Alison being in the hospital, and the concern only intensifies when she receives a call from an Unknown caller that just so happened to be Ali on the other line. All Emily can hear is Ali continuing to say, “help me, help me.” Emily decides to pay Ali a visit at the hospital, and learns that Elliott changed her visitation to family only stating she’s “better off in isolation and it’s best for everyone’s interest.
Hanna meets up with Lucas about signing papers to start a new and exciting business venture together. Hanna is hesitant, stating she can’t make a decision on whether or not she wants to pursue the venture or not. She then begins to flashback to the night she met Jordan and decides to go back to New York where she gave her engagement ring back. Hmmm… Could she be hesitant about the new business venture or deciding whether or not she wants to be with Caleb again?
Liam sees Ezra and Aria holding hands before a meeting he was to have with Ezra. During the meeting, Liam begins to critique the book in a jealous manner and Ezra seems to know exactly what is going on, so he decides to tell Aria about it. While Aria was in denial about the whole situation, Ezra decides to ask her what exactly Liam knows about their past.
Mary Drake shows up at Mrs. Hasting’s headquarters for State Senate where she asks Spencer how Hanna was doing. Spencer was curious as to why Drake didn’t take Hanna directly to the hospital, and this is where Mary told her the story of her past and the time she spent in Radley.
When she and Jessica were 14, Jessica was babysitting, and called Mary complaining how the child wouldn’t stop crying and asked her to come help. By the time she had arrived, Jessica claimed she gave the child a bath and had put him to sleep. Jessica then left the baby with Mary while she went out and met up with a boy. When the parents had arrived home, Mary told them her sister had a headache and she took over for her. When the mother went upstairs, she discovered her child dead. The parents believed Jessica that the baby was fine when she left, and Mary was forced to choose between jail or going to Radley. #MarysStory
Aria confronts Liam about the meeting he had with Ezra — and it was revealed that they (Aria and Ezra) began a relationship back when he was only her teacher.
Mary Drake takes Emily to go see Ali. When Ali saw Mary Drake she instantly thought it was her mom and became extremely confused. This abruptly came to an end when Elliott came storming through the door, demanding they were to leave and he wanted to speak with Mary alone. #AlisonsTrip
Spencer got fired from her job in Washington D.C. After having one too many drinks, she decides to ask Caleb if they made a mistake. He proclaimed that they didn’t, although he was speaking about them in the past tense, and of course Spencer noticed and confronted him about it. Hmmm… Do we think he is ever going to tell Spencer about his “one time” kiss with Hanna.
So what did you all think of this weeks episode? Leave your comments below or tweet us and tell us what you think! Don’t forget to watch Pretty Little Liars every Tuesday at 8/7c on Freeform!